Atari Jaguar – Brawl Boxart
Artifact Notice
This is now considered a BitJag Artifact. This project is now discontinued. Any information about this project has been kept for historical reasons.
The Jag stuff still goes forward. Project 3 finally has a name, “Brawl”, and a start on the box art.
This was an awesome piece to work on. And I first need to thank Michael Buhler for his input on some final decisions on the background and title text. He is an amazing artist and you should check out his portfolio HERE.
The lighting and color were my favorite parts of this piece, and all the pieces seem to fall in place, when I need them. Something that I should have spent some more time on, before starting this piece, was draw up some concepts for the male character. I like the way he came out, but I think a bit of forethought would have saved me some time in the long run.
Again, enjoy the time lapse video, and check out the new update video at There are some updates to concept art on that page as well.